Executive & Board Search.
At Cross International, we specialize in executive search and board-level recruitment solutions. Talent cannot be put in reigns, but they can be invited to be a part of working towards goals they believe in themselves. That is why we do not chase heads, but rather inspire minds. And that is why we talk to candidates about their careers, not just a job. At Cross International, we lead people away from the war for talent and towards the crossroads where they can meet and help each other grow and create.

Where driven people cross, successful businesses flourish
At Cross International, we bring together talent and leadership. We combine vision with determination and passion with conviction. We let people cross paths who can achieve great things together. We believe in a social and economic world without borders, without divisions nor glass ceilings, where employees flourish and businesses succeed because they share the same vision. In this world, recruitment isn’t about capturing profiles, but about inviting people to help grow something that they believe in.
We complete teams with the missing pieces of the puzzle
We show driven people around the world the path toward their mission and we complete teams with the missing pieces of a puzzle. Our work leads to results partly because we create the right conditions for people to know what they’re choosing, and because we have walked the proverbial mile in the shoes of those we help. Furthermore, we are trained in shaping leaders and can rely on proven knowledge and tested science. But above all, we do not put people in boxes, we give them wings. At Cross International, we lead people away from the war for talent and towards the crossroads where they can meet and help each other grow and create.
At Cross International, we have developed specific expertise in mapping, tracing, contacting, actively approaching and guiding professionals worldwide. This expertise stems from a deep knowledge of human psychology, the job market and the changing cultural and business environments.

We understand your market and from our market knowledge and expertise in organisational structures, we propose to you the persons who best fit your needs & company culture, the best candidates available in the market and interested in your business, taking into account best practices regarding diversity, equality and integration principles. We sincerely believe that both you as a client and the candidate should be fully convinced when you embark on a joint professional adventure.
Looking for a director, board member or other key person in your organisation?
Then rely on Cross International's expertise. We can build on extensive experience in a variety of sectors and functions. Our direct search business unit covers all roles from 'individual contributor' to middle management level, and next to that our board & executive search business unit covers all roles from director level to C-suite level or board positions.
Moreover, we apply an 'active search' approach to every assignment. Active search is a recruitment strategy that we consciously use to find potential candidates who are currently not actively looking for a new job. We always actively look for candidates who are already employed by competitors or in similar positions elsewhere, or who have the right skills and competencies, or who are ready for the next step in their career. By actively approaching such candidates, we significantly increase the chances of attracting more top candidates who might otherwise not have applied.
Executive search is partly comparable to a game of chess. Like chess, it takes good strategy, foresight and a thorough knowledge of the game and your opponent to succeed in executive search. But when the right pieces come together, the result can be checkmate in the form of a successful and impactful hire. And that is what we strive for, because where driven people cross, successful companies flourish!
Want to know more about our Board, Executive & Direct Search solutions? Please contact Wim Van Kerckhove or Bart Verreydt

Our methodology
Intake & job description
At the start of the search process, it is crucial to fully understand the organisation and the role. During an intake interview with all relevant stakeholders, we find out why the position is vacant, how the organisation is structured and what profile is being sought.
We then draft a job description that is mutually agreed upon, ensuring that all aspects of the vacancy - hard and soft skills, experience, cultural fit and remuneration - are fully aligned.
Understanding why your company is an "employer of choice" and why candidates might be interested in the vacancy will help us tell our story and position the role when we call people who are being considered for a career move.

Search strategy and target list
The next step is to draw up our search strategy. We define our market approach, identify relevant industries, draw up a detailed list of target companies and research related functions. The consultant responsible for the assignment is supported for this exercise by a 'researcher' and senior key people within our organisation monitor and guide the approach.
Identifying candidates
Based on the approach and the target list, the assigned 'researcher' will start identifying and mapping candidates who match the agreed profile. An initial 'longlist' of candidates is submitted to the client for approval. For this, we rely non-exhaustively on our own and external databases, our network and active search. In certain circumstances, specific advertisements can be added, tapping into the active labour market.
Contacting, screening & selecting candidates
All relevant candidates are approached by the researcher or consultant with discretion and confidentiality. During a telephone screening, we gain an initial insight into the candidate's profile and character. We do this very carefully in order to avoid positive bias regarding the job profile. Therefore, we ask open-ended questions about the candidate's experience, relevant skills, intrinsic motivation, ambition and enthusiasm for a new career step.
If the candidate meets the job profile and is interested in the position, he or she is invited for an in-depth personal interview with the assigned consultant. This interview is based on the "STAR methodology" and "Appreciative Inquiry" to assess the key competences and to explore to what extent the candidate meets the criteria for the position as well as to what extent he or she fits the culture.
During this interview, we focus on the candidate's work experience and behaviour in order to correctly identify strengths, development needs and future ambition. By focusing on successes, we enable the candidate to talk freely in a non-conflicting way, so we are sure to get the information we are looking for. Based on the in-depth interview, a detailed report is prepared for the client with a strength/development analysis regarding hard and soft competencies as well as salary conditions/expectations.

'Shortlist' of candidates
After the in-depth interviews, the consultant provides the client with the candidate's CV and a report with summary comments. We aim to shortlist a few strong candidates, but do not wait to introduce the different respective candidates during the process. Of course, we continue to facilitate the scheduling of interviews and the feedback process back and forth.
Client interviews & reference checks
From this stage onwards, the client becomes more actively involved in the recruitment process.
Final candidates are asked for specific references and 'in-dept checks' are done and reported by us or by you as the client.
The consultant acts in a facilitating and advisory role to both the client and the candidate throughout the entire process, including salary negotiations, with the aim of finding each other a win-win agreement.
As we are well aware of the need for proper and efficient follow-up, we work with weekly updates, with the consultant proactively communicating the progress of the assignment and possible pitfalls or points of concern.

Project team & process quality
A team of three consultants + administrative support, will be involved in the delivery of each assignment.
A designated team member monitors that all internal procedures regarding the selection process and our communication towards client and candidate are being respected.
This approach has been audited and rewarded with the Federgon quality label.
Candidates can also be followed up and assessed at any time via our Vincere CRM tool.